The Parish Parson
I have found a place to dwell
A quiet, peaceful part of Hell
Far from the heavy trafficked Styx.
My house is built of lava bricks
And in my nurtured garden grow
The black and lustrous Leper rose.
On Furnace Road
Lies my abode
Close by the Temple of the Toad.
And where I live, tho not in state
My life is dignified, sedate.
Within our peaceful neighborhood
Live other martyrs of the Rood
Who served their Master well – and now
May share the promise of their vow,
To live their days
Beneath the gaze
Of Him whose eyes with evil blaze.
And of my cherished work in Hell
I have but only this to tell;
That once a week I don my gown
And catch the midnight train to town
To oversee my Sabbat’s mirth
And represent our Hell on Earth.
A parish priest
For those who feast
And pledge their souls unto the Beast.
Grady McMurtry
Originally published in Thelema Lodge Calendar, February 1988