(09/1982) On the Physics of Metaphysics

NOTE: This is the final part of the series “On Technical Information and Curriculum” that ran in The Magical Link from June 1982 to September 1982.

On the Physics of Metaphysics
by Hymenaeus Alpha 777

If some of you think my articles “On Technical Information and Curriculum” are off the wall, wait until you get to comparing universes as an exercise in theoretical alchemy. In that world all is fantasy; nothing but the equations are real. Or, as Niels Bohr has been quoted as saying to an aspiring physicist, “Young man, your idea is crazy, but it’s not crazy enough to be real.” Welcome to the plenum.

Take, for example, the Hadit point of view: “One point is all points; all points are one point.” Imagine a laserium show: a single light source from one krypton tube painting all the colors of the spectrum above you in the planetarium. “Yep, folks, it’s Allegory of the Cave time again! — for those of you who thoughtfully skipped Philosophy 1A, that is in Plato’s Republic — in which what we call reality is explained as a shadow-play on the screen, while ‘true’ reality lurks behind the projector?” So who is behind the projector? As in the movie Wizards. Who is the script writer? — the Director? — the Producer? — but most important of all, who is the audience? — i.e. who is paying to see it? Well, you might ask your H.G.A. “who finds added perfection when invoked by his client, the gold of Tiphereth” (col. XVIII, the Empress Scale, 777 Revised). Whereupon we get into a lot of Rosy Crosses (col. XLI), Mysteries of the Crucifixion (col. XLV) and so on. If so, then the “hollow earth” theory is as true as any, since so far as your eyes are concerned the universe is hollow like the Innocence of the God Harpocrates, and everything you see is being maintained by a projected Force the Sages of India have referred to as the tanmantras, but which we prefer to illustrate as the animated humanoid “programs” of the movie Tron. Show me the difference. And if you want to see the Projector, all you have to do is look at the Resh card in the Thoth deck or the tanka “Buddha in Meditation” (Rietberg Museum, Zurich). Same-same.

Okay. Now let’s try a universe of planes and islands. According to Crowley, “the Tree of Life and the Thirty Aethyrs coincide only at certain points.” Let’s run that down.


Aethyr Sepheroth
16 LEA (1) ReshTawKaf = 620
18 ZEN (6) TawReshAlephPehTaw =1081
11 ICH (9) DaletVauSamekh = 80
  9  ZIP (10) TawVauKafLamedMem = 496

Notice that Kether: Kaf-Taw-Resh, “The Whirling Virgin Sun”, is a description that will do just as well for a beanie as Schechinah (Shin-Kaf-Yod-Nun-Hay = 385), since it means a wheel (Gimel-Lamed-Gimel-Lamed = 66), and 50 = “curls” (Taw-Lamed-Yod = 440) = white whorl (Tzaddi-Mem-Resh  Lamed-Bet-Nunfinal = 412) = the thousand-petaled lotus of the Sahasrara Chakra, since “one thousand” just means “from then on” in this instance. Notice that the aethyrs are not in sequence with the Sepheroth. Obviously they are coming in at an angle. A third universe created by the interlacing of two others. How many more such are there? And a mathematics based on a triangle (see Three of Disks, Thoth deck) instead of a single point. Interesting thought.

Same for the paths, starting from the top:

Aethyr Paths
3 ZOM Atu I The Magus
19 POP II The High Priestess
7 DEO III The Empress
2 ARN VI The Lovers
12 LOE VII The Chariot
17 TAN VIII Adjustment
20 KHR X Fortune
25 VTI XI Lust
27 ZAA
24 NIA XIV Art
16 LEA XVI The Tower
28 BAG XVII The Star
26 DES XX The Aeon


The only obvious point of coincidence being the Sixteenth Aethyr, LEA, accommodating both Kether and Mars (HayPeh = 85 = Blasted Tower). Of course this study is incomplete. You may find many more. But what are you going to do with a universe of islands and planes? I suggest you study it and see how Crowley related it to the study and development of your own psychic body.

Speaking of which — the study and development of the psychic body — I wonder if it has occurred to anyone in our State Department that the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was a declaration of psychic warfare? Since we Americans are not into developing the psychic body it would never occur to us that the most valuable thing Afghanistan has to export is not oil but hashish. This takes us back to the beginning of our tradition, when the Templars met the Saracen during the Crusades and got turned on to a lot of groovy condiments that are freely available to anyone in the Orient. But more of this another time.

at Battery Alexander in the Marin Headlands.
May our tribe increase.