93 Jermyn St
Nov 10
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
So glad to have yours of Nov 6. A bad chill + no secretary have delayed my reply. In fast, this is just to cover urgent points.
1. When do you expect to be in London?
2. Please get information to Karl: new address, 260 W. 72th St N.Y. City N.Y. telling him that you are sending me monthly contribution direct; that you have cleared up my whole vision of Agape + Co., confirming his + my previous judgments; + that I heartily approve the suggestions in his letter of Sept 19.
Get this over quick, please!
I will of course answer all his letters in detail when I get health + help.
Same with regard to your letter: tomorrow, I hope.
Do you know any one who would take up a small short-term loan? It works out about 27% – better than War Loans + Savings + Certificates + Credits.
This is a very urgent matter: and what I don’t want is donations and “Latin Quarter Loans.”
The copy just came in; so I thought I’d take it as a “sign”!
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally
Note: Thank you to BaphoNet for providing these images.