Letters from 1943.
- (01/04/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Grady’s first letter to Crowley. Questions Crowley’s ideas of Thelema. Mentions Agape Lodge and impractical plans there. Discusses poetry.
- (03/02/1943) Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry – Crowley’s first letter to Grady. Comments on Grady’s poetry. Displeased with Agape Lodge. Cites Liber CI. Mentions W.T.Smith and Karl Germer. The present world economic situation nearing collapse. Thelema, Aeon of Osiris and quality of products
- (05/11/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Grady’s second letter to Crowley. Grady’s marriage to Claire and problems caused by outside sex at Agape. Difficulty of finding time for study. Jack Parsons. Kybalion.
- (07/14/1943) Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry – Crowley reproaches Grady for jealousy, describes the conflict of jealousy with Thelema and asks that this letter be copied and circulated to the members of the Lodge. Crowley discusses his views of women and hints at the significance of the “Duties and Privileges” as applied to support of children. Mentions of Jane Wolfe, Jack Parsons and how things were done at Cefalu.
- (07/28/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Argues economic projections and questions Crowley’s moral and practical theories. Poetry mentioned and a list of poems enclosed.
- (08/18/1943) Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry – Dismisses economics as unscientific. Liber AL is aristocratic. Recommends Ouroboros by G. Garrett. The world now in decline. Desert life should help Grady. Character and work. Grady’s poetry improved, but some knowledge of Latin would help.
- (09/02/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Surrealist music, poetry and Technocratic economics. Questions about books on Qabalah. Poems enclosed and a fragment of “Space Tides: A Prophesy.”
- (09/24/1943) Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry – The Word, Omen, and Oracle of the Autumnal Equinox of Anno Ixx, e.n. (1943, e.v.)
- (11/06/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Grady ponders a possible motto and argues for Technocracy. Mentions poems.
- (11/10/1943) Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry – Crowley asking when Grady will come to London, if he will communicate some business to Karl Germer, and loans.
- (11/19/1943) Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry – Crowley gives Grady his motto “Hymenaeus Alpha.”
- (11/25/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Grady’s ecstatic reply to Crowley’s suggestion of the name “Hymenaeus Alpha, 777.”
- (11/29/1943) Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry – Word play and breakfast.
- (12/01/1943) Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry – Receipt for Fifty Pound Sterling, to be repaid in Ten Pound increments over five dates, payable by either Crowley or the G.T.G. Signed as ‘Ankh-f.n-khonsu’ and Baphomet X° O.T.O.’ with Crowley’s wax seal.
- (12/05/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Revised approach to restoring Crowley’s reputation. Loan. Reading books and writing poems.
- (12/10/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Visit to Crowley postponed. Received the Equinox. Early version of the first portion of “Pangenetor.”
- (12/15/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Military address change. Pangentor finished and to be sent. Life and language in the Army. Brief mention of a diary — Crowley later gave Grady a small blank book bound as was the Book of Thoth.
- (12/25/1943) Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley – Returned Moon Child. Plan for public relations improvement enclosed. Ideas about the cryptic verse in Liber AL. Mail from Jack Parsons and Jane Wolfe.
- (12/28/1943) Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry – Incidentals discussed and Crowley’s appraisal of Grady’s proposal to rehabilitate Crowley’s public reputation. J.Parsons and W.T.Smith.