(1951, e.v.)
alias: entered grade school as Summerville due to having been adopted; seeremarks [below]
permanent mailing address: 2193 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, California
date of birth: 18 Oct 1918
place of birth: Big Cabin, Craig County, Oklahoma, USA
date and place certificate is recorded: 5 April 1945, Oklahoma City
native US citizen
presently on active duty drawing full pay
grade: Captain
service number: 0-1574983
service: OrdC
component: ORC
organization: 2301-1 ORC Instr Grp
station: MMD, Baltimore, Md.
current continuous active service: {9 years} [entry deleted]
previously served tour of active duty
service: Ordnance Dept
component: AUS
discharge date: 2 Feb 1946, Honorable
discharge grade: Captain
1932 – 1933 Eugene Field Junior High School, West Tulsa, Oklahoma (graduated
with diploma)
1933 – 1934 Beggs, Okla. & Gladewater, Texas (see remarks) [below]
1934 – Jun 35 Bristow High School, Bristow, Oklahoma
Sept ’35 – Mar ’36 Salem High School, Salem, Oklahoma
Mar ’36 – Jun ’36 Hanford High School, Hanford, California
Sept ’36 – Jun ’37 Valley Center High School, Valley Center, Kansas(graduated with diploma)
Sept ’37 – Jan ’41 Pasadena Junior College, Pasadena, California
Mar ’46 – Jun ’48 University of California, Berkeley, California (graduatedB.A. Philos.)
Jun ’48 – Jan ’51 U. C. (Graduate Division), Berkeley, California
father Grady McMurtry (no middle initial), born 6 Sept 1893 in Blaine,
Arkansas, a U. S. citizen, deceased
stepmother Cora (Summerville) McMurtry (Phillips), born 19 Dec 1890 inBuffalo, Mo. (Dallas Co.), a U. S. citizen presently living at 2124 WhitsonSt., Selma, California
natural mother Bee I. St Clair (Pluckett), born 30 June 1901 in Tulalah,Okla., a U. S. at Box 115, Centrahoma, Okla.
spouse Marjorie F. McMurtry (Fox) (F. for Fox used as middle initial), born29 July 1922 in Paso Robles, California; a U. S. citizen; address 206BDonnybrook Lane, Baltimore 4, Maryland
former spouse Mrs Claire Hallock Miller (Palmer), divorced 25 Sept 1942 inReno, Nevada; a U. S. citizen: address 356-1/2 Water St., Helena, Montana
foreign travel (other than as a direct result of United States military
duties): none
summer 1935 various fruit picking jobs, California (reason for leaving:
Jul 1936 – Aug 1936 DiGiogia Ranch, Bakersfield, Calif. (left for school)
Saturdays only, school years 1937, 38, 39, 40 Kress Store lunch counter,Pasadena, California (left for army induction)
summers of 1939, ’40 Libby, MacNeil & Libby, Selma California (left forschool)
school years 1937, ’38, ’39, ’40 N. Y. A., Pasadena Junior College, Pasadena,California (supervisor, Audrey Strong, Dean of Men) (left for armyinduction)
summer & fall 1946 United Air Lines, 400 Post St., San Francisco, California(supervisor, Mr Ben Berry) (left to return to U. C.)
Campus Smoke Shop, Telegraph & Bancroft Way, Berkeley (supervisor, Al Braver)$1.10/hr
T.A. [teaching assistant], Poli Sci Dept, UC (supervisor, Dr Rosenblum)$155.00/mo
Campus Theatre (Fox West Coast), 2440 Bancroft Way, Berkeley (supervisor, MrApple, California Theatre, Berkeley) $130.00/mo
United Centrifugal Pumps, 280 – 2nd St., Oakland (supervisor, Mr Miller)$300.00/mo
Have you ever been employed by a foreign government or agency? No.
Have you ever been refused a bond? No.
social security number 570-07-3511
E. M. serial number 39152254
credit and character — business references
Bank of America, Polk-Van Ness Branch, San Francisco, California (6 years)
Sherman Clay & Co., Kearney & Sutter Sts., San Francisco, California (1 year)
Sears, Roebuck & Co., Howard & Lexington Sts., Baltimore, Maryland (8 months)
Towson National Bank, Washington Avenue, Towson 4, Maryland (5 months)
Hochshild, Kohn & Co., Howard & Lexington Sts., Baltimore, Maryland (4 months)
credit and character — personal references:
Mrs Haxel M. Payne, 1661 Sacramento St., apt. 1, San Francisco, California (5 years)
Mrs Walter Dransfeldt, 112 Harkness Avenue, Pasadena, California (14 years)
Col. Henry C. R. Akin, Plum Hill, Pasadena, California (10 years)
Lt. Herschal B. Cannon, Rt. 1, Box 166, Aloha, Oregon (9 years)
Mr E. H. Cusworth, 206B Donnybrook Lane, Towson 4, Maryland (6 months)
Col. Raymond C. Brisach, 108 Regester Ave., Baltimore, Maryland (8 months)
CWO Allan W. Johnson, 1614 Pentwood Road, Baltimore, Maryland (8 months)
Major Sidney R. Marcus, 3 Oak Grove Drive, Baltimore, Maryland (8 months)
Capt. James T. Riordan, 1809 Northern Parkway, Baltimore, Maryland (8 months)
Miss Jean Trahan, 885 – 36th St., Oakland, California (3 years)
Mr Cecil C. Burton, 60 Cathedral St., Annapolis, Maryland (3 months)
Mr William L. Gholston, 3001 Seabury Rd., Baltimore, Maryland (8 months)
Mr Audrey L. Strong, Dean of Men, Pasadena City College, Pasadena, California
(14 years)
Dr Dwight Waldo, PoliSci Dept., University of California, Berkeley 4,California (3 years)
Dr George Lipsky, PoliSci Dept., University of California, Berkeley (3 years)
Mr Earl L. Bundara, 6108 Richmond Ave., Baltimore, Maryland (8 months)
Mrs M. H. Long, 2707 Rose St., Berkeley, California (2 years)
Miss Juanita Poulton, 1948 Ellis St., San Francisco, California (2 years)
residences during past 15 years (except military stations):
Born in Big Cabin, Oklahoma. Moved to Ponca City, Okla., and to Sallisaw,
Okla., during infancy. Adopted by Cora Summerville (maiden name Phillips)at about age of three (3) and removed to Slick, Okla., where I enteredgrade school as Summerville. At the same time my middle name was spelledas LOUIS although my birth certificate, available to me only recently,indicates that LEWIS should have been the proper spelling. Some year latermy stepmother married my father and we moved to West Tulsa, Okla., where Ilived with my paternal grandparents for some years going to school at CeliaClinton Grade School and Eugene Field Junior High. At various times wemoved back to Slick and on to Beggs, Okla., and Seminole, Okla., andGladewater, Texas, and Fruita, Colorado, always returning to Oklahoma untilwe finally left for California in 1935, going up to Oregon and returning toCalifornia the next year.
1932 – 1933 West Tulsa, Oklahoma
1933 – 1934 Beggs, Okla. & Gladewater, Texas
1934 – Jun ’35 Bristow, Oklahoma
Jul ’35 – Mar ’36 Salem, Oregon
Mar ’36 – Jun ’36 Hanford, California
Jun ’36 – Sept ’36 Bakersfield, California
Sept ’36 – Jun ’37 Valley Center, Kansas
Jul ’37 – Feb ’41 (home) General Delivery, Selma, California
Sept ’37 – Feb ’41 (school) 104 Harkness Avenue, Pasadena, California
Feb ’41 – Feb ’46 Army of the United States, U.S.A. & E.T.O.
Jan ’46 – Mar ’51 1661 Sacramento St., Apt. 3, San Francisco 9, California
Mar ’51 – Jun ’51 Casual E. A. D., Washington, D.C. & Baltimore, Md.
Jun ’51-present 206B Donnybrook Lane, Baltimore 4, Maryland
past and present membership in organizations:
{Military Order of the World Wars, Berkeley, Calif. 1956 – present} [a later addition in ink]
Society of American Military Engineers, Washington, D.C. 1942?-1946?
National Congress of American Indians, Washington, D.C. 1950 – present
Pi Sigma Alpha, Iota Chapter, Berkeley, California 1949 – present (National
Political Science Honor Society)
Tournament of Roses Band, Pasadena, California 1938 – 1941
Technocracy, Inc., Pasadena, California 1938? – 1941
Hi-Y, Valley Center, Kansas, 1936 – 1937
Order of the Oriental Templars, Los Angeles, California 1941 – present
American Indian Club, Berkeley, California 1950 – 1951
Boy Scouts, Seminole, Okla. & West Tulsa, Okla. 1930? – 1932?
Indian Welfare Foundation of California, San Francisco, California 1950 – present
California Rocket Society, Los Angeles, California 1940?
Plutocrats (student club at PJC), Pasadena, California 1040 – 1941
Church affiliation: Nondenominational Protestant at present. Baptized into a
Pentecostal Church in West Tulsa, Oklahoma circa 1933.
Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party U.S.A., or
any Communist organization? No.
Are you now or have you ever been a member of a Fascist organization? No.
Are you now or have you ever been a member of any organization, movement,group or combination of persons which advocates the overthrow of ourconstitutional form of government, or of an organization, association,movement, group or combination of persons which has adopted the policy ofadvocating or approving the commission of acts of force or violence to denyother persons their rights under the constitution of the United States orof seeking to alter the form of government of the United States byunconstitutional means? No.
Have you ever been arrested, indicted or court marshaled for any reason otherthan for minor traffic violations? No.
Are there any unfavorable incidents in your life not mentioned herein which you believe may reflect upon your loyalty to the U.S. government or upon your ability to perform the duties which you will be called upon to take? No.
Note: Originally published in Thelema Lodge Calendar, October 2003.