(20 Oct 1954 e.v.)
address: 2217 Channing Way, Apt. D, Berkeley 4, California
telephone: TH 3-0488
date and place of birth: 18 Oct 1918, Big Cabin, Oklahoma
marital status: married
number of children: one
Valley Canter High School, Kans. 1936 – 1937 (diploma)
Pasadena Junior College, Calif. 1937 – 1940
U.C. (Berkeley), Philos. Dept. 1946 – 1948 (B.A.)
U.C. (Berkeley), Grad. Div. 1948 – 1950
U.C. (Berkeley), Poli. Sci. 1954 (M.A.)
employment record:
1937 – 1940 N.Y.A., Pasadena J.C.
1941 – 1946 U.S. Army
spring 1946 student, UC (GI Bill)
fall 1946 United Airlines, San Francisco
1947 – 1950 student, UC (GI Bill)
1951 – 1953 U.S. Army
1954 student and T.A., U.C.
military career:
Feb 1941 – Sept 1942 Private to Sergeant
Sept 1942 – Feb 1946 2nd Lt to Capt, OrdC (included two years in ETO,
campaigns in Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland and Central Europe,France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany)
Mar 1951 – Oct 1953 Capt, OrdC (includes eighteen months in Korea and Japan,Korea summer-fall campaign 1952 and 3rd Korean winter campaign)
cultural background:
Born in Oklahoma of Scots-Irish and Cherokee Indian parents. Schooling
somewhat haphazard as family engaged in migratory labor in Oklahoma, Texas,Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and California as part of the “Okie” migration ofthe 1930s. Entirely self-supporting student after high school.
subjects taken in Foreign Service field: Comparative National Administration
& International Relations and Organization
special interests: writing monographs on the relations of Political Theory toInternational Relations
professional objectives:
First, to teach Political Science and to conduct research in Political Theory
and International Relations. Later, government service, as e.g.psychological/political warfare with U.S. State Department.
contributions: Time, effort, experience, and friendships.
Note: Originally published in Thelema Lodge Calendar, October 2003.