729th Air Materiel Sqdn
487th Air Service Group
APO 149, % PM, NY, NY
1 July 1945
Dear Aleister,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Got your “The Yogi and the Commissar” of the other day. You should be receiving it soon. Frieda and I had a few words as she refused to mail it to you. She wasn’t doing me any favors; I though she was a friend of yours. Being an American Serviceman I couldn’t mail it through an English post office and the Red Cross doesn’t accept parcels, so I had to bring it with me and mail it from over here.
I have written to Frederic and hope to hear from him soon. Have gotten to work on that book and have it about half done. It should be ready in a week or so, depending on how many trips on Army business I have to make, of course.
Note change of address. Same outfit — just new name.
Love is the law, love under will.
Note: Originally published in Thelema Lodge Calendar, January 2002.
Note: Thank you to William Heidrick for making this image available.