Donations to support the operation of Blazing Star Oasis may be made via PayPal to
Local Members/Affiliates may pay their dues below via PayPal:
Ally (Non-Initiate) | $20/mo. | SUBSCRIBE |
Affiliate (0°/Confirmed) | $30/mo. | SUBSCRIBE |
Member (I°+) | $40/mo. | SUBSCRIBE |
Make a pledge to Blazing Star | $50/mo | SUBSCRIBE |
Make a pledge to Blazing Star | $60/mo | SUBSCRIBE |
Please send all checks to:
Blazing Star Oasis, PO Box 32074, Oakland, CA 94612
Blazing Star Oasis is a non-profit unincorporated association of Ordo Templi Orientis USA, a non-profit, tax-exempt religious organization under Internal Revenue Service Code 501(c)(3). Please consult your tax professional regarding deductibility of dues and donations.