Bay Area Thelemic Temple

Bay Area Thelemic TempleThe Bay Area Thelemic Temple is a temple space in Oakland, California in which to gather, teach and celebrate Universal Brotherhood. Blazing Star Oasis, a duly-chartered local body of O.T.O., and the Grady Louis McMurtry Memorial Library form the heart of the Bay Area Thelemic Temple.

We have weekly celebrations of the Gnostic Mass, classes offered by practitioners of their favored disciplines, and social gatherings designed for the sharing of spiritual experience—the possibilities are limitless. At the heart of this miracle is Blazing Star Oasis, a dedicated group of Thelemites uniting our larger community in the pursuit of “True Will,” the one perfect and unique path for each individual.

Bay Area Thelemic Temple
77 8th St., Suite 206
Oakland, CA 94607

It is directly across the street from the Lake Merritt BART station parking lot.

Learn more
Check out our page on Facebook to learn more about the temple.

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